Thomas, the Father
We are extremely lucky to have Bill Thomas on board playing the Father. Bill ranks amongst the most prolific character actors of his generation with over 450 roles on stage, films, television and commercials in his first 40 years so far within the industry.
Bill's audition blew us all away when he came in. It was an explosive, unpredictable and shocking readthrough that took the words off the page and made them come to life in a way that perfectly encapsulated the nature of the Father. We can't wait to work with him.
His heart remains in small scale inventive independent productions. Numerous short films and long films, often thrilling and sometimes not, have filled the gaps in his schedule for the last few years, as he seeks adventure more than money now the kids have grown up. He came on board for the love of the script and story, and getting to focus on an interesting and extremely flawed character.
Bill will be known for various roles on television, such as Tom Henshall in the four seasons of the BBC series "CUTTING IT" and three seasons as Charles Vance in the classic BBC serial "THE HOUSE OF ELLIOT".He had the lead role in the award winning feature film "THE SKY IN BLOOM" which has it's DVD release in February. Other recent cinema release include "SONG OF MARION" with Terence Stamp and the remake of "PUSHER" a feature film with Vertigo Films. He is currently filming the film adaptation of Tom McCarthy's extraordinary novel "REMAINDER".
His recent TV work has included a spell in "EMMERDALE" and episodes of "MERLIN", "ATLANTIS" and "DA VINCI'S DEMONS". He got to drive a real train in "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY" last year. As well as this, a generation of young adults will know him as Mr Tucknott the pompous and long suffering bank manager in the classic "BODGER AND BADGER" series on BBC TV.